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Step 1.

Brainstorm ten descriptive words that you can easily visualize. Choose two of your favorites.

Step 2.

Do five abstract sketches using lines, shapes, and textures that you feel convert the meaning of each of your words. You will do ten total sketches, five for each word. Examine what worked and didn’t work in your sketches.

  • Step 2 Due: Thursday Sept 22

Step 3.

Digitize your sketches, and refine your idea as you work. There are many ways you can approach this project, you may want to print out your word set in a particular typeface. Next trace / draw over your print with tracing paper and then scan the result. You can also work directly from your sketches by scanning them and brining them directly into Illustrator.

Step 4.

For Wednesday the 21st, print out your work in progress for an informal in-class review.


Final Due Date / Critique

Tuesday October 11th

Print your designs with high quality paper on the Epson Printer for a formal in-class critique